Z SoccerChic9: I'm housesitting....
Sunday, July 24, 2005
this friend of my mom's house for two weeks. One week down, one more to go. I must say, it is interesting living on one's own after living with a family that amounts to 10 people most days. Like, when I come home from work, my mess is exactly where I left it, in a nice pile in the middle of the floor - no more searchign for my soccer outfit, cause I know, it will be there, right where I left it. Such bliss:) I can buy whatever food I want, and eat it whenever I want - which of course I can do at home too, but something about those ten people that makes any food worth eating disapear in ten seconds:) Though, I've been having problems with the food I have made there so far, and last night I had to resort to a micowave dinner - I figure I might just lose weight if I live on my own - which is not too shabby of an idea. Or, I might just eat the same thing for the rest of my life, like all last week, I had a coke, a sandwhich with meat and mayo, and a yogurt - every single day. I guess, taht might just happen if I lived in my own house.

On a slightly different note, but having to do with me having my own house for two weeks - I watched the Matrix last night and was quite impressed. Which, is quite an acomplishment for a movie, cause it takes a little to impress me with such things.

Anyhow, it's profession of faith tonight, and I'm off - take care!
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